Sunday, June 3, 2012

Goals And Sabotage

    So, once again I have failed you guys.  I'm so very sorry for my lapse in posts.  I'm just in a LOT of pain right now and trying to exercise on top of that is just wiping me out.  But, I will try and post every day again.
    I weighed myself today and I have lost another 2 pounds!  Exciting and yet worrisome.  I worry because if I'm losing so much so early that I might start to get too cocky and then sabotage myself somehow.  But, I think my discipline is strong enough to withstand any temptations, no matter what they may be.  
  So, another 2 pounds down, and only a gazillion more to go.  I know that I CAn make it.  In fact I'm shooting for losing enough weight to go down an entire pants side!

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